• ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Schule ohne Rassismus -ENG

    Friso Fischer, der Sprecher des Jugendrates von Göppingen und Schülervertreter des Freihofgymnasiums, ist unser Gast in unserer neuesten Sendung, während er uns durch das Ereignis führt, das vor dem Rathaus im Rahmen der Aktion "Schule ohne Rassismus" stattgefunden hat. Im Rahmen der Internationalen Wochen gegen Rassismus hatten die mitmachenden Schulen in Göppingen zum Aktionstag aufgerufen. Das Netzwerk "Schule ohne Rassismus, Schule mit Courage" unter dem Motto "Vielfalt feiern" wurde von Kersten Stüven organisiert und von der Stadt Göppingen sowie sieben teilnehmenden Schulen unterstützt.

    Kaufmännische Schule Göppingen, Freihof-Gymnasium, Hohenstaufen-Gymnasium, Mörike-Gymnasium, POLIGENIUS Private Schule , Walther-Hensel-Schule,Pestalozzischule

    Unter anderem gab es Tanzbeiträge von Tanzwerk und verschiedene musikalische Darbietungen.

    Eine Aktion, die deutlich die Vielfalt in den folgenden Sprachen zeigt: Philippinisch, Mazedonisch, Rumänisch, Aramäisch, Albanisch, Ukrainisch, Chinesisch, Arabisch, Russisch, Türkisch, Französisch, Englisch und Deutsch. Der Satz lautet: "Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar." Der allererste Satz im allerersten Artikel des Grundgesetzes. 

    Eine weitere Aktion mit A4-Blätter haben die Schuler*innen gemacht. Mit blaue, grüne, gelbe, rote, orange Blätter mit „SOR“ – (Schule ohne Rassismus) und „SMC“-(Schule mit Courage) buchstabiert.

    OB Alex Maier unterstützte das Event mit einer Rede und ermutigte die Jugend, ihre Aktionen fortzusetzen, indem er betonte, dass sie ihren älteren Mitmenschen in gewisser Weise voraus sind.

    23m - Apr 2, 2024
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - NaturFreunde International (ENG/DE)

    Mamadou Mbodji, Vice President of Nature Friends International and President of the African Nature Friends, joins us to discuss climate justice. Among other topics, he speaks about the mangrove reforestation efforts in Senegal. These efforts have been a successful cooperative project between Senegal, Gambia, and the Nature Friends. Ending his European tour, he presents the topic of "Frieden geht nur Global - Klimagerechtigkeit und Solidarität" as a guest of the Göppingen chapter.

    The region has been experiencing devastating consequences from global warming. Strengthening the mangrove population through cooperation and fundraising makes a significant contribution to local climate protection. Positive effects include protected shores and coasts from erosion and high waters, as well as improved biodiversity conservation.

    African countries contribute to less than four percent of global greenhouse gas emissions; however, they bear the most dramatic consequences, leading to food scarcity and major ecological consequences.Even Mount Kilimanjaro is melting, and conflicts are erupting due to food scarcity.

    What responsibility do the countries of the global North bear? What efforts need to be made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the South? What is the responsibility and financial burden towards greater climate justice? How can global sustainability occur?

    Primary sector: agriculture, fishing, breeding, is a source of livelihood for more than 60% of the population, which is in part dependent on rain that is becoming more variable, causing food insecurity.

    Solution: Mitigation and adaptation are crucial. Drastic reduction, seasonal, regional, and fair products are essential. Finding partnerships and taking personal responsibility are key. Civil society needs to take the lead and cannot wait for governments to act alone. Naturfreunde Göppingen recently celebrated their 100-year anniversary.

    Successes: Since 2013, planting mangoes, lemons, oranges, guava, and local trees has been ongoing."

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    More Info:https://www.naturfreunde-gp.de/veranstaltungen


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mamadou.mbodji.5/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naturfreunde_goeppingen/

    40m - Mar 19, 2024
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Spots short films by youth for democracy

    In this program we speak with Linda Rebmann-Musacchio, regional coordinator of one of the 36 locations of this educational training series and two of the youth participants David and Maxi (both (9th grade, WHG Werner-Heisenberg Gynasium High School).

    Thanks to collective engagement including teachers, film producers, the Kunsthalle Göppingen, Staufer Kino, and radiofips with English Breakfast youth were able to take part in this program.

    Students recieved education on the topic of discrimination and reflect on the portayal of characters in film. Class paticipants were also given equipment to use such as microphones and tablets to try their own hand at creating a film on the topic of racism and democracy.

    The initialtive spots was brought about through the support of the German Film academy and was directly aimed as youth, in particular youth living in more rural areas. Its participatory nature brings closer the role of arts and culture in a social cultural context and how it can be used to promote democratic processes and anti discrimination work. The results are shown in movie theaters with the focus on social and cultural engagement with the motto: Kinofest für Vielfalt und Demokratie. Kurzfilme schauen. Miteinander reden. Gemeinsam feiern.

    Students were also able to view a selected film "Die Einzeltäter" whereby the director and producer Julian Vogel enterred in a discussion with students. His trilogy was nominated from a Grimme Award. His film is dedicated to the vicitm's families of political right wing terrorist attacks which took place in Munich 2016, Halle 2019 and Hanau 2020.

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    Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Göppingen ...

    Freie Waldorfschule Filstal

    Film Die Einzeltäter https://www.zdf.de/filme/das-kleine-fernsehspiel/einzeltaeter---muenchen-100.html#autoplay=true

    29m - Mar 5, 2024
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Support the Reader's Irish Pub

    🍀📚🎤 Samuel Kengeter and Nina Goldmann are my guests this week on English Breakfast. They discuss the formation of a cultural club and crowdfunding campaign to revive the local Irish Pub, now known as the Reader’s Irish Pub (Irisher Kulturverein Göppingen e.V.). @irish_pub_gp

    The new concept is driven by the passion of old and new fans alike. Run by volunteers, this association is fueled by community spirit and dedication to preserving and celebrating Irish culture.

    It’s not too late to support! Individual contributions make all the difference, through cash donations, vouchers, or even getting a plaque on the wall for a contribution of 500€.

    Liam Cassidy, the previous owner of the Writer's Irish Pub has now taken over the Brünnenhäusle, an outdoor Biergarten which is well visited during the summer months.

    Some of the exciting events planned include: Thurs 7 - 12, Fr 7 - 1, Sa 7- 1

    🎻 Open Irish Music Evenings for instance with the Band Green Passion

    💃 Irish Set Dance (Folk Dance)

    🎼 Dance and Music Workshops

    🧠 Irish Pub Quiz

    🎤 Karaoke

    📖 Lectures/Readings

    🎉 Participation in local cultural events

    🍳 Irish Breakfast

    Support the today! 🍀 #SupportIrishPub #CommunitySpirit #IrishCulture

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    Instagram:: irish_pub_gp

    Webpage: https://irish-pub-gp.de/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551025170410

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOK2JLrwsy6Fvf3lE85xI


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    42m - Mar 2, 2024
  • Bunte Vielfalt statt Brauner Einfalt -DE

    In Deutschland setzen sich die Proteste landesweit fort, nachdem Berichte aufgetaucht sind, dass zwei hochrangige AfD-Mitglieder an einem Treffen teilgenommen haben, um Pläne für die Massenabschiebung von Bürgern ausländischer Herkunft zu diskutieren. In diesem Kontext fand auf dem Schlossplatz in Göppingen eine Demonstration gegen rechtsextremes Gedankengut statt, die als starkes Zeichen für die Demokratie galt. Dies geschah am 27.01. zum Internationalen Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Holocaust. Neben zahlreichen Politikern hielten auch Vertreter des frisch gewählten Jugendgremiums Reden. Dabei wurde sich gegen Rechtsextremismus, Hass und Hetze ausgesprochen.

    Wir sehen es als unsere Aufgabe, Göppingen als Stadt der Vielfalt auszuleben und zu fördern‚, sagte Friso Fischer vom Jugendgremium.

    Die Veranstaltung wurde von Göppingen nazifrei organisiert und es gab eine breite Vertretung verschiedenster Gruppierungen. Zu den Rednern gehörten Gabi Merkler von GP Nazifrei, Manuel Schäfer DGB , Hacer Basoglu vom Integrationsausschuss, Leon von GemeinsamINGöppingen, Friso Fischer, Jugendgremium, Eva Epple vom Interkulturellen Frauenrat, Oberbürgermeister Alex Maier, Anja Hartmann von der SPD, Ayla Cataltepe, Mitglied des Landtags und Christina Lipp-Wahl von den Grünen, René Niess von der Linken und die Piratenpartei. #niewiederjetzt #demokratie #solidarität“

    Time Stamps:

    1:51 Gabi Merkler, Kreis Göppingen Nazifrei

    4:08 Manuel Schäfer, DGB

    11:39 Eva Epple vom Interkulturellen Frauenrat

    15:31 Leon von GemeinsamINGöppingen

    21:52 Friso Fischer, Jugendgremium

    26:32 Amidia Tok, Jugendgremium

    30:25 Sabrina Hoffmann, SPD Kreisverband

    36:30 Hacer Basoglu vom Integrationsausschuss

    39:28 Christina Lipp-Wahl & Mariska Ott, die Grüne

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

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    46m - Feb 3, 2024
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Bshare Khato, Jesidisch Poet, Actor, Author (DE/ENG)

    My guest Bshare Khato is a Jesidish from Iraq who came to Göppingen in 2013. Initially studying Art and Theater in Dahock, North Iraq, he broke his studies since then. In 2008 and 2009, he published two books of poems in the Kurmanji language, which is the northernmost of the Kurdish languages spoken in various regions.

    His original aspiration was to become a teacher were sidetracked but he continues to learn German and be involved in the arts and education of children. In addition to his literary pursuits, he worked as a radio journalist in Sinjar, providing information in Kurmanji and taught the language to those who lacked formal education.

    Bshare Khato wrote his book of poems regarding the Jesidisch Experience followed by second book, titled "Dying is my shadow"

    In our talk he also touches on the significance of Lalisch, a central sanctuary for Jesiden, and Herfa, the spiritual Earth. When Jesiden move to a new country, they bring some of this earth with them to establish a connection with their new home. Lalisch is described as a wooded valley situated over 1000 meters high, surrounded by three mountains—Hizrat, Misat, and Arafat.

    Here in Germany he has also performed in local Theatre and is persuing an apprentiship to become a kindergarten teacher, is an active member of the committee of migrants and wishes to produce children's books.

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bshare_khato/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551025170410

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOK2JLrwsy6Fvf3lE85xIqg

    29m - Dec 24, 2023
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Albanian Theater with Xhevat Limani and Era Hoxha (ENG)

    Xheval Limani, meets us in studio after his European tour for the performance of the Albanian classical theater production Skanderbeg.

    The Albanian-American actor and director Xhevat Limani and his daughter, soprano Era Hoxha tell us about this famous character and their performance in Stuttgart, supported by the local Albanian club, Albanischer Verein Mutter Teresa.

    As the ledgend goes, the historical Albanian figure, defeats the Otomon empire with 100,000 +, with only a small army of 1200 many of whom were not previously soldiers. Akso, conducting a more huminaritarian war by only attacking those in uniform not those enslaved, women or children.

    The Theatre performance appeals to Albanian dispora especially, Era herself is orignally from Masadona but is now living in Prestina, Korsovo. Xheval Limani, in New York.

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1214746428

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xhevatlimani1/


    19m - Oct 17, 2023
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Philippinischer Freundeskreis (ENG/DE)

    Roselyn Tschritter, from the Philippinischer Freundeskreises Göppingen, shines light on this small but active club. She reflects on their yearly charity drives as well as the astonishing following the typhoon which caught the world's attention. We chat about the relief campaign which provides food access and how they partnered with the local organization "Couples for Christ". Thankful for the generosity of the Göppingen community, she stressess that donations are still needed to sustainably rebuild the country. Dance, food and traditions of the Philippine club are also discussed.

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

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    More Info: Philippinischer Freundeskreis


    35m - Aug 30, 2023
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Piano meets Mbira - Hope Masike & Andreas Kern (ENG)

    It's a rendezvous of Piano and Mbira!

    Join us together with the Mbira artist and singer, Hope Masike from Zimbabwe, and pianist, Andreas Kern from Germany.

    This unique initiative, supported by the German Embassy in Zimbabwe, the two talented musicians,began thisintercultural music project that melds the classical instruments of piano and Mbira.

    The Mbira, an instrument with a history of over 1300 years, also known as the 'thumb piano' in the West, is traditionally played in various regions of Southern and Eastern Africa during religious and societal gatherings. In recent decades, it has made its mark in contemporary music, spreading its influence beyond the borders of Africa. In 2020, the UNESCO recognized its significance by including it in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

    Hope Masike is renowned both as a traditional and modern Mbira player, as well as an exceptional vocalist. She has collaborated with musical legends like Oliver Mtukudzi and Salif Keita, gracing festivals both at home and abroad.

    Andreas Kern, a pianist who studied in Cologne and Berlin, has performed in various music formats across numerous countries in Europe, Asia, America, and Africa. From his student days, he has been committed to the idea of presenting classical music in a contemporary and innovative way, with the aim of engaging a new, younger audience.

    In October 2022, these two artists met for the first time in Harare, where they co-created a musical program blending Western classical music, traditional Mbira melodies, and original compositions by Hope Masike.

    I met them at a special outdoor concert at the Park in Göppingen

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

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    More Info: hopemasike.co.zw

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hopemasikeofficial


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piano.meets.mbira/


    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@andreaskerntv

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@hopemasike


    25m - Aug 13, 2023
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Friends Kinderhilfe (DE/ENG)

    Lilian Keulen, Vice Chair, talks about the organization which helps families and childeren in Sri Lanka. We talk about the history of the organization about the impact they have main as well as how she got invoved and the connection to Göppingen. Tsunami, and how the local level Friends Lanka Child Foundation. BMZ for development work also rebuilding after the civil war. Partnering with local players and empolying 30 helpers as well as preschool teachers.

    Lilian recals how a friend urged her to joined the organization, as well as heart warming and moving experineces during her visit to Sri Lanka with her family. Impressions of the plight of children and their families as well as the value of helping Sri Lankan children gain an education are all part of our conversation.

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

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    My webpage:  English Breakfast http://angeline.de/


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    More Info: www.friends-kinderhilfe.de 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/friendskinderhilfe

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/friendskinderhilfe/

    38m - Aug 5, 2023
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Vivas & Musical Plants

    Cross cultural performance where plants take the center stage.

    On our latest program we explore a project which specifically targets young people highlighting sustainablity, and our connecteness to nature through experiencial learning. Vivas!

    Our guests Cassis B Staudt, composer and Linda Rebmann-Musacchio, sustainability development educator talk about how their event at the Youth Festival Days in Göppingen and future projects with youth involving dance, music and sustainablity.

    Their project ist targetted towards young people from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Göppingen, Germany, aged between 15 and 25, to create and colloborate an art performance.

    "Composing" music from plants through biophysical sonification, the young participants to develop a plant symphony and translate it into a dance or movement performance. Through this creative process, the youth can have a direct experience of nature and be sensitized to biodiversity and sustainable living and consumption behaviors.

    About the guests:

    Cassis B Staudt

    Performern, Komponistin und Musikerin Cassis B Staudt hat an der Staatl. Musikhochschule Hamburg und auf der New Yorker Juilliard Universität Musik studiert. Während ihrer Arbeit in NYC im Team von Jim Jarmusch (Co-Produzentin 'Coffee and Cigarettes’, Goldene Palme, Cannes) schrieb sie Musik und hatte die Idee für Ferry Tales (Oscar nominiert).

    Cassis B writes a variety of scores for theater, feature films, and documentaries - for small and large ensembles. Highlights also include her songs, sound sculptures, and symphonies for film music. For several years, she has been working in theater-music education with children and young people and is a guest lecturer at HAW, Hamburg. Thanks to several grants (Neustart Kultur Musikfonds, Gema, DKV), since 2020, she has been dedicated to interactive plant music and came up with the idea for this theater piece.

    Linda Rebmann-Musacchio, EPIZ Reutlingen

    Linda hatte die Idee für VIVAS! Sie engagiert sich im Team vom EPiZ Reutlingen im Bereich Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und Globales Lernen und setzt sich dafür ein, dass Themen wie Nachhaltigkeit, Klimagerechtigkeit sowie die sozialen Auswirkungen der kapitalistischen Produktions- und Wirtschaftsweise jungen Menschen nähergebracht werden. Und dies auch gerne auf kreative Art und Weise... Studiert hat sie in Wien Internationale Entwicklung, in Argentinien Geschichte der Wirtschaftspolitik und widmete sich an der Wirtschaftsfakultät der Universität Buenos Aires der Entwicklungskooperation als Teil außenpolitischer Strategiepolitik.

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    Facebook: English Breakfast

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    My webpage:  English Breakfast http://angeline.de/


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    Website: Cassis B Staudt’s Homepage:  www.cassisb.com

    Epiz https://www.epiz.de/de/projekte/vivas/

    Pflanzenmusik http://pflanzenmusik.com/vivas.html

    BNE https://www.bne-portal.de/bne/de/einstieg/was-ist-bne/was-ist-bne.html


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vivas.act/

    27m - Jun 27, 2023
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Vera Sompon, Empowing African Dispora

    Vera Sompon, founder of Sompon Socialservices Baden-Württemberg e.V. and lecturer at the University of Esslingen, arrived in Germany almost 20 years ago. Her personal encounters with racism fueled her passion to help others.

    Now involved in various associations and as a freelance speaker, she empowers the African diaspora through education and community-building. Vera also provides anti-racism trainings and consultations to organizations and government entities. In 2017, she established a non-profit organization in Esslingen and has expanded to a second location in Göppingen, realizing her dream and making a lasting impact on equality and social justice.

    Part of the tradition which she brings is through the UBUNTU-Fest. This is a pan African festival, taking place at the Göppingen Bahnhofsplatz. 14.00 - 22.00 Uhr, 09.06. - 11.06.2023

    After graduating from her studies in 2019 from the University of Esslingen, she initially began through "Bürgerliche Engagement" volunteering and learning piece by piece by getting people motivated and providing information about the difficulties of the African community. Realizing her passion and vision could not be sustained while holding a regular job, she eventually quit her job to support the organization full time.

    Vera is a true powerhouse who believes in collaboration and has joined in developmental work, Chair for Parität, a member of LAKA and speaker of the Forum of Migrants on the national level. With the motto "the message is stronger than any obstacle" she structured the organization according to the legal frameworks to create services. Working hand in hand with for instance the government Job Center. She is now create jobs and have 80 volunteers.


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    Website: https://sompon-socialservices-bw.org/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/somponsocialservice/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/somponsocialservice

    43m - May 29, 2023
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Chapel Reloaded

    In this show we hear about the Art Mob event at the reopening of the Chapel Frabrik für Kunst und Kultur.

    Background: The Chapel-Krypta is an important landmark in the Göppingen cultural scene, dating back to the ealier 20th centrury.

    Originally build in 1926 as a pleace of workshop with its modernist syle designed by architect Paul Smitthenner.

    In the early 2000s the Chapel, originally used by US miliary personnel near the base, was repurposed by the alternative artist scene run by volunteers.

    In 2014 the future of the building and its use was uncertain. Estimated renovation costs to adhere to fire regulations were unatainable. Funding drives with community donations as well as support from local authorities, finally resulted in restoring the building.

    After several years of renovation, the Chapel opened it doors to the public in May 2017 thanks to a group of cultural activists FKK (Factory of Art and Culture) and their supporters. This group aims to promote the arts and to create a space for creativity. The reopening was celbrated with an art mob by UNICOM.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chapelkrypta/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chapelkrypta/

    22m - May 9, 2023
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Thai-German high school exchange

    Chulabhorn Science High School in Phitsanulok and Freihof Gymnasium Göppingen student exchange

    Thai and German high school students visit the radiofips Studios to talk about their experiences and expectations of going abroad as well as cultural differences.

    The umbrella theme for this year is exploring stereotypes.

    Background: Initiated through a personal acquaintance between a Thai and German teacher, contact was made with Chulabhorn Science High School in Phitsanulok, a city about 380 km north of Bangkok. The school is a boarding school with a focus on science.

    English is the language of communication between the German and Thai students.

    Since the first meeting in 2011 as part of the International Pupil Exchange, several meetings have already taken place in Göppingen and in Thailand. During the two to three week stay in Thailand, the pupils are accommodated for a time in host families, in the boarding school of the school and also away from home. In addition to participating in school events and workshops (science experiments, sports competitions, cooking classes, traditional musical instruments, Muay Thai), there is also the possibility of excursions or other activities (UNESCO cultural world heritage site Sukhothai, elephant riding, rice harvesting, jungle trip, Buddhist meditation, etc.). A short stay in the capital Bangkok concludes the trip.

    The participants are always impressed by the indescribably warm hospitality of the Thais and the rich Thai culture. However, the stark contrast between the very simple living conditions in the countryside and the temples of consumption in the big cities is also thought-provoking.

    The costs for the 14-day exchange trip amount to approx. 600 - 900 EURO, depending on flight prices and subsidies from the PASCH or ENSA funding programmes.

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    Blog of the German student's experiences in Thailand



    PATSCH https://www.pasch-net.de/en/pasch-initiative/ueber-die-initiative.html

    Thai blog about free trade project: http://collegeoftaste.blogspot.com/2014/05/

    34m - Mar 31, 2023
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Hasina Azizi , Women's Rights in Afghanistan (ENG)

    Hasina Azizi, women's activist from Afghanistan is our guest on today's programm. Refuge, activism and migration are themes that we touch on in our talk.

    Hasina is a known activist, working for several NGOs including the United Nations and the Women's corp peace of Afghanistan. Education has been important in her family. Being one of very few women from her village Nimrus she received a scholarship allowing her to study abroad for education. Once she began her career she helped to support her family and simultaneously founded a vocational training facilty for women which specialized in carpet weaving, This start up provided job opportunities to women in need (Baluchi handmade products).

    A tale of resistance, she recalls the harrowing escape from Afghanistan once the Taliban regained power. Eventually endiung up in a humanitarian city camp in Abudabi. Initially, told she would only be there for two weeks, she finally could migrate to Germany six months later.

    Hasina's family was separated by the situation, her father who worked for the government left with her monther and sister for Iran. She applied for her parents as dependents which was approved. However, one of her brothers who was studying in India is unable to be reunited with their family at this time, another brother is in Iran with his family.

    Taliban's rule has caused dramatic changes in the lives of women, going from bad to worse. Recent prohibitions ban women and girls from attending schools, from wear colourful clothing, and women are banned from all public spaces. NGOs have been shut down and worsening economic climate and pulling women from the workforce has caused further strife.

    The errosian of womens rights have created a situation where families desperate to buy food and essentials are selling of girls to older men. A general errosion of society has occured with domestic abuse on the rise and barbaric public beatings of women have occured.

    Sign the Petition for women in Afghanistan:

    Afghanistan: Global petition calls on international community to stop the Taliban’s suppression of women’s and girls’ rights - Amnesty International


    #Culture #womensrights

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    Instagram: azizi_hasina

    1h 5m - Jan 29, 2023
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - 3rd World Womens' Conference DE/ENG

    In this edition Bercin Üstün, European representative from Bethnahrain Frauen Union for Women and Renate Mutschler, speaker of the women's council of Göppingen and long time member of Frauenverband Courage join us.

    Both were part of the Göppingen delegation late in 2022 and recount their impressions of the 3rd World Women's Conference in Tunisia, where women from 42 different countries attended.

    “We are women, we are strong” is the motto of this year's women's conference.

    International solidarity, environment and climate change as well as systemic and structural friction are all part of our discussion.

    Above this the local action days include:

    • 8th March - International women's day
    • 11th November - Day for the elimination of violence against women
    • Various demos for the people of Iran

    #Culture #womensrights

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

    Instagram: angelines_studio

    Facebook: English Breakfast

    Radio show: English Breakfast

    My webpage:  English Breakfast


    Spotify Apple Podcasts Amazon Music Google Podcast


    Instagram: Frauenverband Courage gp

    Facebook: Frauenverband Courage Göppingen

    Courage webpage: fvcourage.de

    WWC webpage: worldwomensconference.org

    45m - Dec 28, 2022
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Famoe, rap and hip hop artist (ENG)

    Fabiano Monsanto, better known as rapper Famoe talks about his pathway towards rap and hip-hop. Beginning as a love of hip-hop dancing, he soon entered the world of talent contests, bringing him to explore the genre and culture further; eventually releasing several English rap albums unter US and UK labels.

    Famoe has reenterred the stage taking on new colloaborative projects, after a pause due to artistic disagreements with management. Since then, Famoe began his own lable Rap & Rymes Record. Passion and authenticity are core values which he brings to his all of his work, resulting unique colloaborations: including soundtracks for film and graphic novels.

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

    Instagram: angelines_studio

    Facebook: English Breakfast

    Radio show: English Breakfast

    My webpage:  English Breakfast


    Spotify Apple Podcasts Amazon Music Google Podcast


    Instagram: itsfamoe

    Facebook: Fa Biano

    Famoe webpage: officialfamoe.com

    46m - Oct 23, 2022
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Leo Theo textile arts (ENG/DE)

    Leonidas Theodoridis, known under the lable Leo Theo is our guest on the latest program of English Breakfast. He came by to discuss his journey to creating singular pieces as well as his approach.

    A wide variety from classical and historical costume designs for theater to avant guarde garments and assessories.

    His collections have themes including greek mythology or the more recent collection created and modelled for during lockdown entitled Voodoo.

    Leonidas Theodoridis resides in Göppingen and was raised in a middle-class Greek family who were first and second-generation immigrants in Germany. As a teenager, he developed a passion for drawing, often spending hours on sketching, for which he received several prizes, awards.

    His peices have also displayed in the cultural center of Ofloannian, Greece

    Want to catch a glimpse: In the evening of 25.05.2022 Leo Theo will be presenting at the Kultur-Nacht Göppingen in the historical city church (Stadtkirche).

    (31) Costume Exhibition of Vestiere Leonidas Theodoridis - YouTube

    #Exhibition #CultureCenterOfIoannina #leotheo

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

    Instagram: angelines_studio

    Facebook: English Breakfast

    Radio show: English Breakfast

    My webpage:  English Breakfast


    Spotify Apple Podcasts Amazon Music Google Podcast


    Instagram: leo_theo

    Facebook: Leonidas Theodoridis

    Leo Theo webpage: leo • theo | NOT JUST A LABEL

    YouTube: Leo Theo 

    32m - May 29, 2022
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Wegekompass Göppingen 2035 (ENG/DE)

    Alex Maier, Göppingen mayor explains the Wege Kompass: a pathway forward involving citizen participation in working towards the global sustainability goals on the local level. (Bürgerbeteiligung)

    Since our last meeting, we talk about how the Covid-Pandemic effected his initial policy plans. Immunisation busses and installing testing stations were some of the first crisis management policies.

    The Wege Kompass invloves working on common goals in four areas:

    • Municipal framework conditions
    • Ecology and environment
    • Economy and employment
    • Social - affordable housing / interculture

    Digitalisation and interculture and open debating culture are also topics adressed in our chat.

    Alex stated that as "Stadt der Vielfalt" - art, music, culture and enjoying different perspecitves is a chance to broaden our own horizon.

    Wegekompass Göppingen 2035

    Mit dem „Wegekompass Göppingen 2035“ macht sich die gesamte Hohenstaufenstadt auf den Weg hin zu einer liebenswerten und weltoffenen, sozial gerechten und ökologisch sicheren Stadt. Um dies zu erreichen, bedarf es einer passenden Gesamtstrategie, welche die relevanten Handlungsfelder der Themenbereiche „Kommunale Rahmenbedingungen“, „ökologische Tragfähigkeit“, „Wirtschaft und Arbeit“ sowie „Soziales und Gesellschaft“ in den Blick nimmt, strategische und operative Ziele formuliert sowie konkrete Maßnahmenpakete schnürt. Der „Wegekompass Göppingen 2035“ bietet den Orientierungsrahmen für diesen Weg.

    Und auf diesem Weg ist Göppingen nicht allein. Viel mehr machen sich aktuell viele Kommunen weltweit strategische Gedanken. Klimawandel, gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und Chancengleichheit sind globale Herausforderungen. Dabei muss im Blick behalten werden, wo auf lokaler Ebene, wo also hier vor Ort, in Göppingen, der Schuh drückt.

    „Ich freue mich auf eine rege Beteiligung“, so OB Alex Maier abschließend. „Schließlich geht es um unsere gemeinsame Zukunft!“

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

    Instagram: angelines_studio

    Facebook: English Breakfast

    Radio show: English Breakfast

    My webpage:  English Breakfast


    Spotify Apple Podcasts Amazon Music Google Podcast


    Podcast: Stadt-Land-Bund - Alex Maier, Lena Schwelling, Marcel Emmerich

    City Webpage: Goeppingen.de - WegeKompass

    19m - Apr 20, 2022
  • ENGLISH BREAKFAST - Siliva Korkmaz, Good Morning Deutschland (DE/ENG)

    Silvia Korkmaz, moderator from Good Morning Deutschland - refugee radio, talks about her experience joining the team as well as her plans for future events. Located in Stuttgart near the residences of refugees Voice of Stuttgart with Issam also has other partners in the Frankfurt studio location.

    Her enjoyment in being near families and sharing their cultures and experiences through food and music.

    👇🏽 LINKS BELOW 👇🏽 

    Instagram: angelines_studio

    Facebook: English Breakfast

    Radio show: English Breakfast

    My webpage:  English Breakfast


    Spotify Apple Podcasts Amazon Music Google Podcast


    Webpage: Good Morning Deutschland

    31m - Feb 13, 2022
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English Breakfast - Das interkulturelle Morgenmagazin