- Life@Work and Race
Dr. Chip Roper, Ken Kinard, and Liz Sastre reflect on the 2024 Life@Work research by race. They look at what the results tell us about what gives us joy and challenge at work, based on our racial background, and where we turn for help with our work challenges.
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S1E46 - 40m - Aug 7, 2024 - Life@Work by Industry
After relaying their solar eclipse stories, Ken Kinard, Sarah Evers and Dr. Chip Roper reflect on the 2024 Life@Work research by industry. They look at what the results tell us about what gives us joy and challenge at work, based on the kind of work we do, and where we turn for help with our work challenges.
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S1E45 - 41m - Jun 14, 2024 - Life@Work by Gender featuring Ka Cotter
In this episode, Ken Kinard and Sarah Evers interview Ka (Kay) Cotter, one of the newest coaches on our team. Reflecting on the 2024 Life@Work research by gender provided the opportunity to delve into Ka's career as one of the first women in the commercial real estate industry in Dallas, Texas. She shared what it's like to be the only woman in the room, and how she turned that into a competitive advantage to grow the business.
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S1E44 - 31m - May 17, 2024 - Life@Work by Generation
In this episode, Dr. Chip Roper, Ken Kinard, and Shauna Cousino discuss the latest findings from our 2024 Life@Work research. We break down the joys and challenges at work by generation to better understand how similar and different these generations are experiencing work. These findings prompt us to ask, "Are the faithful at work an endangered species?"
Need Career Coaching?
From time to time, we all reflect on our lives and consider if a change is needed. Maybe it's time for a new job or a big career shift. But changing jobs can be stressful and time consuming. If you are filling out job applications, waiting to hear back from hiring managers, and it’s going nowhere, then maybe it’s time for a different approach. Or maybe you’re not sure if you should make a move and want help exploring the options.
Our Career Navigator program is designed to give you clarity, refined messaging, and a plan to make your next career move. For more information, visit https://www.vocacenter.org/careernavigator.
Connect with VOCA
If you would like to engage with our team at VOCA Center, or would like to partner with us as a donor, let's connect.
S1E43 - 40m - May 8, 2024 - Employee Reviews Are Coming
In this episode, Dr. Chip Roper, Ken Kinard, and Sarah Evers discuss the predicted increasing frequency and intensity of employee performance reviews. The discussion journeys from the Wall Street Journal's prediction to the Johari Window to our best practices for dealing with a performance review when you get one.
Need Career Coaching?
This is the season when many people reflect on their lives and what needs to change in the new year. Maybe it's time for a new job or a big career shift. But changing jobs can be stressful and time consuming. If you are filling out job applications, waiting to hear back from hiring managers, and it’s going nowhere, then maybe it’s time for a different approach. Or maybe you’re not sure if you should make a move and want help exploring the options.
Our Career Navigator program is designed to give you clarity, refined messaging, and a plan to make your next career move. For more information, visit https://www.vocacenter.org/careernavigator.
Connect with VOCA
If you would like to engage with our team at VOCA Center, or would like to partner with us as a donor, let's connect.
S1E42 - 46m - Mar 13, 2024 - Bringing Your Whole Self to Work is Overrated
In this episode, Dr. Chip Roper, Sarah Evers, and Ken Kinard discuss the positive and negative aspects of the current trend of "bringing your whole self to work".
Need Career Coaching?
This is the season when many people reflect on their lives and what needs to change in the new year. Maybe it's time for a new job or a big career shift. But changing jobs can be stressful and time consuming. If you are filling out job applications, waiting to hear back from hiring managers, and it’s going nowhere, then maybe it’s time for a different approach. Or maybe you’re not sure if you should make a move and want help exploring the options.
Our Career Navigator program is designed to give you clarity, refined messaging, and a plan to make your next career move. For more information, visit https://www.vocacenter.org/careernavigator.
Connect with VOCA
If you would like to engage with our team at VOCA Center, or would like to partner with us as a donor, let's connect.
S1E41 - 46m - Jan 5, 2024 - From Thanks-being to Thanks-giving
It’s the time of year when our attention naturally turns to gratitude. As the studies on gratitude are becoming more widely circulated in today’s work culture, people are realizing the benefits of this practice. In this episode, Dr. Chip Roper, Sarah Evers, and Ken Kinard discuss turning your Thanks-being into Thanks-giving.
Need Career Coaching?
If your current job is not on your gratitude list, then you might be considering a change. But changing jobs can be stressful and time consuming. If you are filling out job applications, waiting to hear back from hiring managers, and it’s going nowhere, then maybe it’s time for a different approach. Or maybe you’re not sure if you should make a move and want help exploring the options.
Our Career Navigator program is designed to give you clarity, refined messaging, and a plan to make your next career move. For more information, visit https://www.vocacenter.org/careernavigator.
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If you would like to engage with our team at VOCA Center, or would like to partner with us as a donor, let's connect.
S1E40 - 40m - Nov 20, 2023 - Burnout and Stress: The Body Speaks
If you have been following our research at VOCA Center, you know that the top two problems workers are facing this year are being overwhelmed and burned out. So, recently we created a new coaching program to help. It’s called the Burnout Recovery Program.
This program includes assessments, coaching, and access to our learning management system that guides you through the recovery process. To create content for our programs we often invite experts in the field to offer their insight and wisdom. For the Burnout Recovery Program, we feature an interview with Sharon Kinard, a registered nurse, ministry leader, and family therapist.
This episode is a short excerpt from that longer conversation that you get in the program. Sharon covered variety of topics related to burnout and had particular insights into the body, and what it might be telling us about what’s going on in our heads and hearts when we are under stress and approaching the burnout stage.
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If you would like to engage with our team at VOCA Center, or would like to partner with us as a donor, let's connect.
S1E39 - 35m - Nov 4, 2023 - Underdog is Overrated: A Very Particular Set of Skills
There’s a well-established myth out there. It’s woven into the American imagination: Underdogs can come out of nowhere and win. This narrative is fed by a story from the Hebrew Scriptures: David and Goliath. It is common to say, “We are David, and they are Goliath.”
In this episode, Sarah Evers and Ken Kinard reflect on Chip’s article Being the “Underdog” is Overrated. They discuss where this underdog hero image comes from and how a biblical view of the underdog can inform our approach to work. How about you—are you more like Rocky, or Kung-Fu Panda?
Are You Burned Out?
The burnout recovery program is a coaching program that helps you discover if you are burned out, uncover the underlying cause, get your fire back, and prevent burnout from coming back. Learn more at https://www.vocacenter.org/burnoutrecovery/
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If you would like to engage with our team at VOCA Center, or would like to partner with us as a donor, let's connect.
S1E39 - 41m - Oct 26, 2023 - Burnout Stories
At VOCA Center, every year we do research to find out what challenges people find the most vexing in their work, and in the past few years burnout has been at or near the top of that list.
In this episode Liz Sastre, Chip Roper, and Ken Kinard discussed their own personal experiences with burnout. Maybe you can relate? If you are worn out from work and think you might be burning out, or just want to avoid the problem in the first place, this episode is for you.
Are You Burned Out?
The burnout recovery program is a coaching program that helps you discover if you are burned out, uncover the underlying cause, get your fire back, and prevent burnout from coming back. Learn more at https://www.vocacenter.org/burnoutrecovery/
Connect with VOCA
If you would like to engage with our team at VOCA Center, or would like to partner with us as a donor, let's connect.
S1E37 - 30m - Oct 13, 2023 - Resilient Leadership, Pillar 3 with David Ridley
This episode is the third of a three-part conversation about Resilient Leadership with David Ridley, the founding CEO of Invesco Real Estate. For several years David has worked with us on the framework we use for helping businesses and organizations thrive in the midst of constant change, competition, and disruption. So, if you lead a team, and you want it to win despite the challenges, this series is for you.
Burnout Recovery Program
We have a solution for people experiencing burnout. If you are experiencing a lack of motivation, decreased job satisfaction, difficulty concentrating, and/or strained relationships, check out the Burnout Recovery program.
Connect with VOCA
If you would like to engage with our team at VOCA Center, or would like to partner with us as a donor, let's connect.
S1E36 - 25m - Oct 11, 2023 - Resilient Leadership, Pillar 2 with David Ridley
This episode is the second of a three-part conversation about Resilient Leadership with David Ridley, the founding CEO of Invesco Real Estate. For several years David has worked with us on the framework we use for helping businesses and organizations thrive in the midst of constant change, competition, and disruption. So, if you lead a team, and you want it to win despite the challenges, this series is for you.
Burnout Recovery Program
We have a solution for people experiencing burnout. If you are experiencing a lack of motivation, decreased job satisfaction, difficulty concentrating, and/or strained relationships, check out the Burnout Recovery program.
Connect with VOCA
If you would like to engage with our team at VOCA Center, or would like to partner with us as a donor, let's connect.
S1E35 - 36m - Sep 12, 2023 - Resilient Leadership, Pillar 1 with David Ridley
This episode is the first of a three-part conversation about Resilient Leadership with David Ridley, the founding CEO of Invesco Real Estate. For several years David has worked with us on the framework we use for helping businesses and organizations thrive in the midst of constant change, competition, and disruption. So, if you lead a team, and you want it to win despite the challenges, this series is for you.
Burnout Recovery Program
We have a solution for people experiencing burnout. If you are experiencing a lack of motivation, decreased job satisfaction, difficulty concentrating, and/or strained relationships, check out the Burnout Recovery program.
Connect with VOCA
If you would like to engage with our team at VOCA Center, or would like to partner with us as a donor, let's connect.
S1E34 - 39m - Aug 30, 2023 - Dilemmas Report: #1 & 2, Burnout and Overload Will Not Go Away
Dr. Chip Roper, Sarah Evers, and Ken Kinard discuss the two most common top dilemmas people face at work. The conversation is based on the research we conduct each year, in which we ask, “What are your greatest challenges and dilemmas in your work life?”
In this episode, the VOCA team processes Dilemma #2: “Overwhelmed" and Dilemma #1: "Burned Out". Discover some techniques that help us cope with feeling overwhelmed and get back into fruitful life and work.
Burnout Recovery Program
We have a solution for people experiencing burnout. If you are experiencing a lack of motivation, decreased job satisfaction, difficulty concentrating, and/or strained relationships, check out the Burnout Recovery program.
S1E33 - 48m - Aug 16, 2023 - Brenneman's 4 Truths: #4 God Calls Us to Be Dangerous
In the final conversation in this series, Greg Brenneman and Dr. Chip Roper discuss truth 4, that God Calls Us to Be Dangerous.
S1E32 - 24m - Jul 21, 2023 - Brenneman's 4 Truths: #3 Every Game is an Away Game
In the third conversation in this series, Greg Brenneman and Dr. Chip Roper discuss truth 3, that for Christians at work, every game is an away game.
S1E31 - 31m - Jul 21, 2023 - Brenneman's 4 Truths: #2 Work is Our Platform for Service
In the second conversation in this series, Greg Brenneman and Dr. Chip Roper discuss truth 2, that work is the platform God has given each of us to use to live out our calling.
S1E30 - 31m - Jul 11, 2023 - Brenneman's 4 Truths: #1 Work is Important to God
Recently Dr. Chip Roper had a conversation about faith and work with Greg Brenneman, on of our advisors at VOCA Center. Greg gives a 4-part framework for thinking about work from a faith perspective. In this first conversation, Greg introduces truth 1, that our work is important to God. He outlines a biblical foundation for work and helps us see that the greatest fulfillment at work comes not from seeking fulfillment, but from something else.
S1E29 - 34m - Jul 11, 2023 - Dilemmas Report: #3 Uncertainty Around My Calling
Dr. Chip Roper, Ken Kinard, and Sarah Evers discuss the latest research on the top dilemmas people are facing at work. The conversation is based on the research VOCA conducts each year, in which we ask, “What are your greatest challenges and dilemmas in your work life?”
In this episode, the VOCA team processes Dilemma #3: “Uncertainty Around My Calling and the Work I'm Gifted to Do".
S1E28 - 52m - Jun 15, 2023 - Dilemmas Report: #4 Bringing Redemption to Brokenness at Work
Dr. Chip Roper, Sarah Evers, and Ken Kinard discuss the latest research on the top dilemmas people are facing at work. The conversation is based on the research VOCA conducts each year, in which we ask, “What are your greatest challenges and dilemmas in your work life?”
In this episode, the VOCA team processes Dilemma #4: “Bringing Redemption to Brokenness at Work”.
S1E27 - 46m - Jun 7, 2023