• 第十期 S2 Episode #10

    威利妈妈李春砚 — 《拯救威利》的主人公之二



    Willy's mom, Chunyan (Dora), is a professional nurse and physiotherapist. What she gave to Willy is way beyond her professional knowledge. Her love, her dedication, and her faith shines through their shared journey called "life"!

    S2E10 - 24m - Apr 14, 2023
  • 第九期 S2 Episode #9

    威利爸爸彭灼西 — 《拯救威利》的主人公







    William Peng was diagnosed with autism at the age of 5. His family was advised to learn sign language and his parents wished that he could one day remember his home address. Today, at the age of 30, Willy lives and works independently AND he speaks English and Chinese fluently! He said this on his Facebook: “I’ve had a mostly crap childhood. I’ve struggled with learning and speech impairments. I’ve had to learn slower than many people around me. Yes, I could’ve stayed bitter and get mad at the world. I could’ve given up and thrown in the towel. I could simply keep being negative and pessimistic about life. But in the end, I made the choice to not let anything hold me back, to aim higher, shoot for the stars, and let God take the helm in my life and person. And I know in my heart that I will one day be part of something much bigger than myself under the calling of God above.”

    S2E9 - 22m - Apr 7, 2023
  • 第八期 S2 Episode #8

    姜铭涛 -- 经营花旗参农场的医学博士



    Dr. Ming Tao Jiang has been a resident of Wisconsin since 1996. Before turning into a ginseng farmer in 2010, Dr. Jiang had been a medical scientist and professor in heart diseases for over 20 years. Dr. Jiang is one of the founding members of United Chinese Americans (UCA). In 2019, he won the Top Ten Outstanding Achievements Award for his community services and stood among the Top 40 Business Persons in the 40 Years of US-China Trade.


    S2E8 - 18m - Sep 1, 2022
  • 第七期 S2 Episode #7

    本期故事人物:姜铭涛 -- 美国华人联合会的首任理事



    Dr. Ming Tao Jiang 

    has been a resident of Wisconsin since 1996. 

    Before turning himself into a ginseng farmer in 2010, Dr. Jiang had

    been a medical scientist and professor in heart diseases for over

    20 years. Dr. Jiang is one of the founding members of United

    Chinese Americans (UCA). In 2019, he

    won the Top Ten Outstanding Achievements Award for his community

    services and stood among the 

    Top 40 Business Persons in the 40 Years of US-China



    S2E7 - 20m - Jul 10, 2022
  • 第六期 S2 Episode #6

    Lily Lee Chen (陈李琬若):以族裔融合为己任的华裔女市长


    As the mayor of Monterey Park, Lily worked tirelessly to build ethnic coalitions and to promote diversified communities in America. Throughout her political and personal journey, Lily remains a lifelong advocate for unity. Lily firmly believes that America belongs to all who live on this land, regardless where we come from, when we arrive, what accent we have, and what our skin color is.

    S2E6 - 21m - Jun 2, 2022
  • 第五期 S2 Episode #5

    Lily Lee Chen (陈李琬若):美国政治选举中的第一位东方女性


    In 1981, Lily decided to run for a seat in Monterey Park City Council. Her campaign benefited greatly from her grassroots human services career and her deep connections to the communities of LA County. The historical significance of Lily’s campaign lies in its “Voter Registration Drive”that later swept across the country and inspired Asian-Americans to participate in US politics.

    S2E6 - 18m - May 12, 2022
  • 第四期S2 Episode #4

    Lily Lee Chen (陈李琬若):以黑头发黄皮肤为美为荣的、百分之百效忠美国的华裔


    Lily is a living example of a good Chinese American, proud of her Chinese heritage and 100% loyal to America. 

    Her life in America, as a graduate student, a mother, a city councillor and a mayor, is a celebration of the rich Chinese culture and traditions, as well as the freedom and diversity of America. 

    S2E4 - 20m - Apr 29, 2022
  • 第三期 S2 Episode #3

    Lily Lee Chen (陈李琬若)不仅是美国华裔历史上众所周知的传奇人物,她的爱情和婚姻故事也同样充满传奇,充满巧合和奇迹。


    “Legendary” is the one word that best describes Lily Lee Chen. As part of her amazingly extraordinary life story, the tale of her love and marriage is nothing short of a legend…

    S2E3 - 23m - Mar 30, 2022
  • 第二期 S2 Episode #2

    Lily Lee Chen (陈李琬若)是美国华裔历史上的著名人物。最感动我的是她不为人知的另一个角色:妈妈的宝贝女儿!

    Lily的妈妈一辈子默默无闻,不为人知。但是在Lily的一生中,妈妈自始至终占据着至关重要的位置,是她喜乐悲伤的源泉, 是助她前行的力量。Lily的人生故事里不仅仅有个人传奇,也有每个人一生中都曾经历过的大喜大悲和因缘巧合。

    Lily Lee Chen is known for her fame and success, as the mayor, the game changer and the history maker. But I will always think of her as “the most precious daughter” of her mother. 

    Lily's mom is forever the force and the inspiration in her life. Her mom is the source of her joy and her sorrow, her sweetest success and her deepest regrets. Lily remembers her for the sacrifices she made for the family, the kindness she extended to everyone around her and the unbearable pain she quietly endured...

    S2E2 - 19m - Feb 13, 2022
  • 第二季 第一期 S2 Episode #1

    新春之际,《异乡人访谈》第二季开始播出,继续讲述海外华人的人生故事。第一个故事人物是Lily Lee Chen (陈李琬若)。

    Lily Lee Chen 是美国历史上第一位华裔女市长。她是60年代的留学生,毕业后在洛杉矶政府部门做多年的社会工作,80年代曾荣任洛杉矶蒙特利公园市的市长,之后接受过多次重要的政府任命,成为美国华裔社区的知名人物。她传奇的一生中有过成功,也有过磨难,有过出人头地,也有过生离死别。从她的曲折跌宕的人生故事里,我看到的是一个非同寻常、开朗乐观、热心助人的坚强女性!

    Happy New Year! Welcome to the new season of ImMigrant Podcast!

    Season 2 begins with the stories of Lily Lee Chen, the first female Chinese-American mayor in US history and a founding board member of Committee of 100.

    Lily is not just a witness to the Chinese-American history. She is a true pioneer. Lily's life story is not only about her political achievements, but also about tradition, women, career and family.  Most importantly, her stories are stories of love and dedication!

    S2E1 - 17m - Jan 27, 2022
  • EP #22 第二十二期

    中国文化和欧洲文化就好比一个硬币的两面,互补交融 — Lukas


    Lukas is a true bridge builder. His love for Chinese culture and his passion for the Silk Road expedition has earned him the title of “the most authoritative cultural ambassador” who has tirelessly journeyed between China and Europe for the past decades.

    E22 - 22m - Nov 22, 2021
  • EP #21 第二十一期

    ”如果你的孩子有机会探索自己,成为真正的本我,那就是成功“ -- Jade


    Jade is a typically successful career woman. Her career path is marked with confidence and achievements. However, she constantly asks herself: What is it that I really want in life? From high-ranking management positions to top US business school, from education to career coaching, every time Jade makes a career choice and re-positions herself in life, she takes advantage of the opportunity to reflect on self-value and self-exploration.

    E21 - 24m - Oct 23, 2021
  • EP #20 第二十期

    “我要做的事情一定是跟情怀有关的” — 张西



    This summer, 28 Chinese-American children produced over 100 amazing paintings to retell the history of the first generation of Chinese immigrants to America, the railroad-workers who played a key role in the construction of the transcontinental railroad in US.

    E20 - 20m - Sep 17, 2021
  • EP #19 第十九期

    在同学家长和老师眼里,我就是那个“别人家的孩子” — 赵金海


    From a mountainous village in Gansu to the capital city of Beijing and on to a foreign land, Zhao Jinhai has come a long way. Every step of the way is led and defined by his keen quest for knowledge and his tireless search for new horizons.

    E19 - 23m - Aug 29, 2021
  • EP #18 第十八期

    “在日本,人们已经习惯了跟病毒共存” — 赵金海


    Zhao Jinhai traveled extensively in Japan before deciding to settle and start his business there. He quickly learned that the experience of a tourist did not quite prepare him for the cultural shocks he later went through…

    E18 - 22m - Aug 20, 2021
  • EP #17 第十七期

    生命不息, 步履不停 — #澳洲邓博士



    Dr. Deng is a cross cultural teacher/researcher/consultant/influencer. She takes pride in her multiple roles in life and cherishes the moments in the present.

    E17 - 22m - Aug 10, 2021
  • EP #16 第十六期

    相信神的安排!神给你什么天份,什么角色,你把这个角色做好就好!— 王军


    Wang Jun is a very active member of the Atlanta Chinese-American community. He has played multiple roles in life: a scholar, an industrial engineer, an IT business owner, a financial advisor, and the most successful of all, a proud father! 

    E16 - 20m - Jul 26, 2021
  • EP #15 第十五期

    不忘初心 — Anna

    Anna, 董丽芳, 出生在中国温州文成,成长在意大利。从小自学中文,同时帮助父母经营餐厅生意,之后在意大利、英国和中国接受了高等教育,并且积累了多国家多领域的工作经验,比如在意大利外交部、意大利驻北京大使馆、中国意大利商会、美国和意大利国际律师事务所的经历以及教授、记者等工作经验。做为意大利第一位华人国际律师,2010年她创办了中欧国际律师事务所(Dong & Partners International Law Firm),为中资企业、西方企业和欧洲华社团提供法律咨询;2019年她建立欧洲丝绸之路促进会(Silk Council Association),搭建起中欧的文化和商贸桥梁。2018年做为唯一华人律师获得Moneygram Award创新奖,为中欧贸易和文化交流所做的贡献被广泛认可



    Anna moved to live in Italy when she was six years old. She taught herself Mandarin, helped her parents with their restaurant business while working on her law degree. Today, she runs an international law firm and connects China and Europe through cultural and business exchanges.

    E15 - 22m - Jul 18, 2021
  • EP #14 第十四期

    能够在海外扎根的人都是很强的人 -- 叶子


    From a school in a remote village in Hunan to Beijing University and on to PhD study in Germany, from aiming for Nobel prize to focus on family and health, Yezi firmly believes that all gold glitters, no matter where they are!

    E14 - 22m - Jul 11, 2021
  • EP #13 第十三期

    人很多时候被欲望所驱使。当你走进自然的时候,你会反思,会得到释放感,回归到最纯的原始状态 — Frank


    Frank calls Calgary his second home. Over the past 20 years, he’s built strong ties with the local communities. However, it is his bond with Nature that gives him a real sense of belonging ...

    E13 - 23m - Jul 2, 2021
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