- 5 Paint Colors That Go With Wood Trim
We all want homes that offer a light, modern, and comfortable feel for our personal space. Make the rich colors of wood trim work by painting the walls, ceilings, and floors around it.
Check out the best paint for wood trims here.
4m - Dec 14, 2021 - Paint Your Home With These Exterior Color Schemes
Exterior color schemes set the vibe and mood of houses. Since many factors come into play when choosing the right one, it's best done with the help of color consultants or paint experts.
It's an easy decision to redo, so make sure that every step is well- thought-out and executed.
6m - Dec 7, 2021 - Why Hire a Professional Painting Contractor When You Can DIY?
It is tempting to get a roller and paint your house on your own. While you see this as a fun and easy task, there are major considerations you need to take when taking the project on your own.
Here are some good reasons you should hire painting contractors instead of doing it all by yourself.
5m - Nov 25, 2021 - Tips To Prepare a Room for Interior Painting
If you want a flawless paint job, take the time to do the necessary
preparation. Painting a room is a process — it doesn’t end with picking your interior paint colors.
Jeff Schultz Painting is an expert in the industry, and we’ve come up with a guide to help you out.
5m - Nov 11, 2021 - Painting Hacks for People Who Love to DIY
It is interesting to give painting hacks a try, especially if you have a lot of spare time on your hands. The internet is the best place to look for ways to shake things up a bit in your home or give old furniture a new life.
If you want to know more and brush up on your artistic skills, learn more here!
5m - Oct 27, 2021 - How To Use Paint To Make a Small Room Look Bigger
Small rooms can feel confining when they only span a few square meters — but did you know that the right paint colors can make a big difference? With some interior design tricks, you can turn a pocket into a mansion.
Here's how to make a room look bigger with paint.
5m - Oct 20, 2021 - 5 Tips for Choosing the Right Interior Room Paint Colors
Room paint colors are a way to express your personal touch whhen renovating or revamping your home. Choosing the right color scheme is essential to setting the proper mood and atmosphere, but it doesn’t have to be daunting.
Here are some helpful tips for deciding the best interior paint color for your home.
5m - Sep 30, 2021 - 6 Things Everyone Must Do Before Room Painting
Learning how to paint a room can be quite stressful. It is, however, an enjoyable and fulfilling experience when the desired results are achieved.
To ensure that it will be successfully done, there are important things that must be considered first.
4m - Sep 22, 2021 - 6 Pro Secrets to a Flawless Paint Job
The work doesn’t end after you choose good house paint colors. The real thing begins when the paintbrush with your preferred paint color touches the surface.
Achieving a flawless paint job requires patience and skills. Discover some of the professionals’ secrets!
4m - Sep 2, 2021 - 3 Common Paint Problems and How to Fix Them
Every homeowner wants a flawless paint job in every part of their home. If you've dealt with paint problems in the past, you have probably repainted your wall repeatedly.
If you don’t want to do this frequently, learn more here.
4m - Sep 2, 2021 - How to Prevent Paint Chalking
For most homeowners, chalk paint is an inevitable occurrence. However, did you know that there are some ways to prevent paint chalking?
In this article, you will learn what chalk paint is, its causes, and all the things you can do to prevent it from developing. Protect your home and furniture from unnecessary powdery paint and become a responsible homeowner.
5m - Aug 14, 2021 - Everything You Need to Know About How Room Paint Colors Affect Mood
If you’re planning to repaint your home, you should carefully choose the paint color for each room. The paint you choose can have a significant impact on your moods and emotions. It can also reflect your personality and set the tone of any interactions in the room.
Continue listening to know more about the connection between paint colors and mood.
4m - Aug 6, 2021 - Common Mistakes People Make When Choosing Paint Colors
Painting a new house or a newly vacated room is exciting. If you want to make your living space look vibrant or relaxing, there are some things you need to consider.
In this article, you will learn all the mistakes you might be making in choosing the right paint color for your house. Know how to choose paint colors that will go with all of your furniture, and make your home look and feel brand-new!
4m - Jul 16, 2021 - Different Types of House Paint And Where To Use Them
People are meticulous when it comes to choosing the paint color of their home. However, there are different types of house paint to choose from.
Each type of paint is used for different purposes. Continue listening to find out the best exterior paint and more!
4m - Jul 13, 2021 - 8 Tips for Decorative Wall Painting at Home
A lot of people nowadays focus on redecorating and designing their home to make it a more beautiful living area. Decorative painting is the answer to dull interior design and boring paint schemes.
In this article, you will learn 8 decorative wall painting techniques. Explore your creative side and have fun redecorating your home!
5m - Jul 2, 2021 - Paint Sprayer vs Roller: Which is Better?
Have you been dying to repaint your home but don’t have any idea which paint tool to use? Listen to our comprehensive comparison of a paint sprayer vs roller to help you out.
Learn more about rolling vs spraying paint interiors and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
5m - Jul 2, 2021 - 9 Tips on Painting Wood Paneling
Painting wood paneling can help give your house or room a more modern look. However, you have to make sure to do it right, otherwise you might end up with an uneven paint job and need to redo everything.
Some of the important things to remember when painting wood paneling is to clean the paneling before painting and to prepare your work area by protecting your floors, ceiling, doors, windows and other areas.
4m - Jun 18, 2021 - Can You Paint Over Wallpaper?
Old wallpaper can make your house look old and rugged no matter how hard you clean it. Now may be the time to redecorate your home and transform it to have a more classy feel.
The only problem is, the wallpapers can be stubborn and hard to strip off.
Here is the best way to successfully cover the wallpaper with paint and have a more pleasant home.
4m - Jun 7, 2021 - Why Is My Paint Bubbling and How to Fix It?
Painting is expensive and costs a lot of time and effort. That’s why it is such a shame to find all that time and money wasted when the paint starts bubbling up. There are a lot of reasons for house paint bubbling to occur, and it is important to be mindful of all of them to avoid it happening in the future.
In this article, you will know all the do’s and don'ts of painting and what you can do to fix paint bubbles.
4m - May 27, 2021 - 5 Painting Tricks to Change the Size and Feel of Your Room
If you reside in a small apartment or flat, chances are you feel a bit restricted by your tiny living space. This is especially true for people who collect trinkets and have plenty of furniture pieces. If you’re one of them, you don’t have to look for a new home or get rid of your belongings.
All you need is a bit of ingenuity and some trick of the eye painting tips to make your living space appear roomier or more comfortable.
However, some people also desire to make their homes cozier. Not to worry. The colors of the room are powerful enough to change an uncomfortable living space.
3m - May 27, 2021