How to go from expert to influencer?

1h 0m | Apr 4, 2022

Episode 6 Season 2

How to go from [expert to influencer]?

The number #1 secret weapon for breaking through the noise of your competition!

What if you could grow your business with ease and get ideal clients? What if your clients come to you instead of you chasing after them? Imagine being recognized by others as an authority and a trusted leader who creates a lasting impact. Imagine having a brand that people get excited about, love, and share with others. In this episode, w take a deep dive into the genus mind of Divya Parekh the master author behind the 30 month Bestselling book "Expert to influencer"! She will show you not only how to approach the book but how to write it to explode your opportunities and increase your bottom line.

  1. Introduction
  2. Growing up in India 5:15
  3. How y childhood helped to define my future 6:06
  4. The king with 6 daughters 8:00
  5. There is no end to growing 10:51
  6. When I knew I wanted to become an Author 11:07
  7. I struggled to write even 1 chapter 12:13
  8. Dealing with the inner chatter  and writer block 13:15
  9. The Best education is to be curiosity 15:06
  10. I’m at the intersection of science and spirituality 16:47
  11. “You can learn through anything and everything is an education” 18:05
  12. I combine neuro hacks with education and spirituality 18:17
  13. Learning more about yourself is golden 19:28
  14. Self-understanding can lead to supreme gratitude 19:52
  15. Out of 45 years, I never stopped breathing for more than 8 minutes and it only took 6 to die!


  1. The more you learn about yourself the more humble and grateful you will be 22:00.
  2. Technology I use 23:00
  3. Artificial Intelligence software I use: 24:48
  4. Divya's Process 26:56
  5. Do Market Research 28:28
  6. Have an intention to have an impact 28:52
  7. It's about serving people 30:38
  8. Are you answering the questions for your market? 31:34
  9. The book is the portal to the rest of the business 34:35
  10. I see possibilities where none exist 35:50
  11. your accomplishments have to come through in a way that doesn’t make you a braggart
  12. 36:40
  13. We bring a 20 person team to the table  39:10
  14. How the program works? 40:14
  15. Why not just get this information off of Youtube? 42:52
  16. We show you how you can position yourself beyond the writing of the book 44:50
  17. The power of Nuance 45:14
  18. The 3 powerful things you can do tomorrow to get started on writing a book 48:43
  19. What are some types of deliverables in terms of writing a book. 52:41 

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