Why do you need an exit strategy for your business?

55m | May 30, 2022

Why do you need an exit strategy is like asking why you need to charge people if you want to stay in business. Ironically it has traditionally been a question few business owners ask until it is almost too late for the answer to benefit them. With that said, today we will explore this very topic as we close out our 3rd season of the show with long-time business broker and consultant George Scott.


Where are you originally from? 3:59

What was it like growing up there? 4:10

How do you think your childhood influences your work now? 6:57

At what point do you think you knew you wanted to pursue your line of work as a business? 8:21

What does a business broker do? 9:42

What is the difference between a business broker and a consultant? 11:20

The business of business 15:41

What inspires you to do this type of work? 16:26

Can you share with us a little about your educational background and any supplemental areas of study that equips you to be so effective in helping your clients to get on the best sellers list? 17:10

I noticed that regardless if a person is selling or buying you place an emphasis on attitude and mindset, why is that so important? 19:57

80% of business owners wil not be able to sale their companies 23:01

How soon should you start to prepare your business for sale? 25:16

When the ego gets in the way 27:29

Why do you think so many businesses fail from your experiences. 29:42

What have you noticed are the mental traits and or habits of business owners that succeed? 31:01

What is it like to work with you? 33:12

Maintaining a high level of confidentiality is integral 36:55

Why confidentiality is so important 37:10

Total value vs the purchase price 40:11

Getting creative with the deal 41:00

Good attorney and a good accountant are worth more than their weight in gold.42:55

Tweaks can make a world of difference 45:42

What are three powerful things that my listeners can do tomorrow if they want to start positioning their business to be sold at some point down the road? 48:01

What tools do you recommend 50:18

How does the audience get in touch with you? 53:05

Get in contact with George Scott

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The Blitz Business Development Show