Ep. 16 - Jared Leto Did Bleach Blond Hair Best (The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnes)

58m | Nov 30, 2022

Welcome back to Books Between Sisters!

It's been almost 2 weeks and I just know you've missed us. We are back with a new program, a new book, and new hosts?

If you inherited a billion dollars would you keep it, or is that way too much money? Is The Inheritance Games a Hunger Games spoof? (It's not.) Why was Avery chosen for the inheritance and can she beat the four brothers in claiming the inheritance?

Get your copy of The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes and find out! (

Also, side note, we are so excited to have our first listener question, So please keep them coming!

Our next episode is on December 13th with author Natalie Hibberd. So go get her book Inside Out ahead of time and read along with us! (

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