Outreach Warrior episode 11 - Homeless and our Veterans
James couldn't make it in due to positive reasons so we're back on zoom this week. First, we talk a little about the riggers and the importance of caseworkers, and the need for more. Then James goes into homeless vets and well some shocking stats If you are call the national call center for homeless veterans at 1-877-242-3838 or go to www.flvets.org if not your local vet resource center. Don't forget you can always email us at outreachwarrior@gmail.com & become part of the community, share your story and, comment on others on our new Reddit www.reddit.com/r/OutreachWarrior/
If you think you are about to be or are homeless, start with texting 211, if your looking for that Broadband help www.getemergencybroadband.org help with rent or utilities www.ourflorida.com & www.nami.org/Home for that mental health help