Jessica McKinley

Season 1 | Episode 7
46m | Jun 10, 2021

Jess McKinley is a Life & Business Coach for Female Entrepreneurs. When she’s not speaking Spanglish and climbing trees with her 4-year-old son Calvin, you’ll find her coaching her clients - The Happsters. Listen to her coach and educate on how to navigate business and feelings on The What’s Happyning Podcast. It’s her mission to help ambitious female business owners like you realize that your brain is the cause AND solution to all of your problems. Once you know that, you can stop creating more problems in your life and start solving the world's.

We discuss how people don’t know how to process emotions & how when we avoid or resist emotions, it often manifests in the form of numbing, worst cases with substances, but even when it isn't it happens in all sorts of other ways.

Looking for an amazing life coach?! Check out Jessica's website

Connect with her on Instagram at @whatshappyningwjess

Podcast: The Whats Happyning Podcast

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