• Yawe's Hard Talk Ep 19: Kenya's Dairy Farming Mess

    In 2020, Aqute Media conducted an in-depth exploration of the state of KCC. As a result, they produced a five-episode season that examined the evolution of dairy products from the pre-independence era to the present day, with a specific focus on KCC.

    In the final episode, I had the opportunity to engage in a conversation with Timothy Gatimu, the host of Kenya's Blueprint. This conversation is what is being featured in this episode of Yawe's Hard Talk. 

    To listen to the rest of the episodes of Kenya's Blueprint, please visit: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5yZWRjaXJjbGUuY29tLzcxNDE3ZmE0LTgyNmQtNGM5MC04YzhmLTM3OWVjYzgxM2JjYw

    Production is done by Aqute Media.

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    23m - May 18, 2023
  • From Phone Booth to Photo Booth - Audio Article

    The phone has gone through a lot of developments over the years. From queuing to access a phone booth to having pocket-size devices. But with all these developments has our mannerism gotten better. Are we taking advantage of the shrunk phone to do meaningful activities?

    How have you gained from carrying around a shrunk-down phone booth in your pockets? 

    Read more of his articles here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertyawe/recent-activity/posts/

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe.

    7m - Sep 9, 2022
  • Public School Principals; An Untapped Management Pool - Audio Article

    A school principal has to deal with a very diverse set of interests and all kinds of demands. Their ability to deal with all these is something to envy and if some of our corporates had the same level of skill available to them they would have easily waded through some of the crises that have either crippled some or destroyed others. 

    This audio article looks at school principals and why we might just be overlooking a group of people with brilliant managerial skills. 

    Read more of his articles here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertyawe/recent-activity/posts/

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe.

    8m - Aug 26, 2022
  • Still In My Mother's Kitchen - Audio Article

    A number of factors in our childhood lives have influenced how we live in our adult lives. In materialistic things, we have advanced past what we had and used. For some, they have just maintained what they had. There are others who unfortunately fell behind. This is somewhat a measure of growth. The world keeps changing and so should you.

    Therefore ask yourself this: what in your life is still anchored with that of your parents? Are you still using similar appliances that were in your parent's house or have you advanced?

    Read more of his articles here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertyawe/recent-activity/posts/

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe.

    7m - Aug 19, 2022
  • Bringing Home The Bacon; An African Man's Perspective - Audio Article

    Fathers should provide in numerous ways and not only financially. Bringing home the bacon is about remaining present and relative in your family's lives and not just being the wallet. Listen to this second edition of latest Yawe's audio article which looks at the purpose of the man in the family.

    Read more of his articles here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertyawe/recent-activity/posts/

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe.

    8m - Aug 12, 2022
  • Taxation and The Birth of The Double Bed - Audio Article.

    Did you know that the main reason you are sharing a bed with your spouse is because of the taxman? Find out how this all came along in this first edition of this miniseries of Articles written by Robert Yawe.

    Read more of his articles here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertyawe/recent-activity/posts/

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe.

    8m - Jul 28, 2022
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Ep 18: Death By Text.

    NOMOPHOBIA is a psychological condition where people have a fear of being detached from their mobile phones. In this day and age, most of us depend on our devices for information and connection but have we taken it far.

    You are in a meeting but you are constantly checking your phone, you are driving and checking your messages once you hear that ding notification.

    In this episode, Yawe gives his opinion on best phone practices and takes us back to his experiences during the landline days and why we ought to be doing better.

    Production is done by Aqute Media.

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    6m - Jun 16, 2022
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Ep 17: A Nation of Roofers.

    At times there is a misstep in our planning processes. We have succeeded in the execution of mobile money transfers. But what of the logistics in instances where delivery of goods is required. Are our roads of good quality or do we have enough vehicles? This is a misstep. It is building the house starting with the roof.

    Production is done by Aqute Media.

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    7m - Jun 9, 2022
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Special Edition - Future Planning - Are Saccos Winning, Thanks to Technology?

    This episode just like the previous one will be a recap of an event. The event was The Africa SaccoTech Forum organized by CIO East Africa. We engaged in a panel discussion on the topic of Saccos vs Banks. With this, we looked at whether Saccos are winning thanks to technology.


    James Kagotho - Country Manager Periculum.io

    Winnie Sergon - Head of ICT Boresha Sacco.

    Gerrard Kosgei - Netcompany-Intrasoft

    Production is done by Aqute Media.

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    27m - May 19, 2022
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Special Edition: Future Planning: What is your Cloud Strategy?

    This episode is a slightly different one. This features a live discussion I had with a panel at the 7th annual Cloud & Security Summit. We looked at what the future looks like for cloud solutions.


    Amritpal Singh - Service Business Manager Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

    Bernard Kotonya - Formerly Manager Data Centre & Network, SBM Bank Kenya.

    Phares Kariuki - Pure Infrastructure.

    Production is done by Aqute Media.

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    30m - Apr 28, 2022
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Ep 16: Google Stole My Client.

    Most times when systems are working just fine we sometimes do not have regular checkups or look into improving the systems. They say if it is not broken don't fix it.

    Well, complacency comes with repercussions. The worst part is we realize that we are in trouble a late. In this 16th episode, Yawe goes back to when google destabilized him and how late he came to this realization.

    Production is done by Aqute Media.

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    9m - Apr 21, 2022
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Ep 15: Going Down Memory Lane.

    This episode is slightly different. It starts with a trip back to when I started my career in ICT. With 30 years of experience, I look at how we approach technology now in areas like the banking sector and reflect back to the initial days and see what progress has been made. Most importantly what more can be done?

    The journey most definitely continues and in years to come, we will look back and assess what more was done to build on the structure that we have presently.

    Production is done by Aqute Media.

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    7m - Apr 14, 2022
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Ep 14: Politics Abhors Technology.

    Since we are just a few months away from a general election let us look at our political systems and the efforts made toward implementing technological processes in governance. Undoubtedly little has been done and deliberate or not the fact remains that we can do more. So is it a lack of willingness, lack of infrastructure, or both?

    Well, listen to this 14th episode and find out why Yawe believes there is more that we can do, how we can do it, and why we need to do it.

    Production is done by Aqute Media.

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    E14 - 8m - Apr 7, 2022
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Ep 13: Digital Data HATES Humans.

    At times we find ourselves meddling with fully automated systems. Call it itchy fingers or we are just used to doing some things manually hence it is hard to accept that systems can work perfectly without our manual input. Automated comes from the Greek word automatos, meaning “acting of oneself.

    So the next time you meddle with digital data ask your self are you allowing the system to act by itself as it is supposed to?

    Produced By Aqute Media.

    8m - Mar 29, 2022
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Ep 12: Techie Till I Die

    There are a number of reasons for techies to ascend the corporate ladder. It might be time to step in into managerial positions while others take up the positions to help other employees or departments with tasks and projects.

    This episode covers a situation where the organization does not seem to come up with any other way to reward the techies other than a pay grade through the ascension of an employee to higher ranks. Also, the common concern by individuals of how long is too long to stay in one position in a company is also a factor to consider.

    Yes, employee promotion comes with an increase in salary, responsibilities, benefits, a better parking spot, you name it. This is good but the questions that this episode seeks to answer is:

    • Can all these upgrades or benefits still be implemented without adulterating the core function of a techie?
    • Also, is it time to restructure some departments as some functions are provisional?


    Production is done by Aqute Media.

    Connect with the host: https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    8m - Feb 22, 2022
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Ep 11: Re-Establishing the Glass Ceiling

    Re-Establishing the Glass Ceiling

    S1E11 - 12m - Jun 3, 2020
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Ep 10: Still Behind The Lectern

    Still Behind The Lectern

    S1E10 - 14m - May 27, 2020
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Special Edition: Working From Home Featuring Guest Speakers

    Working from Home; how to guide your team actively work from home?

    S1 - 57m - May 13, 2020
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Ep 9: The Glitter vs The Utility

    The Glitter vs The Utility

    16m - Mar 25, 2020
  • Yawe's Hard Talk Ep 8: Were Our Providers Ready?

    Were Our Providers Ready?

    12m - Mar 18, 2020
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