How to Be Happy: Design Your Own Happiness

3m | Jul 22, 2019

You know you want to be happy, but no one can tell you exactly what to do. Good news: you can figure out. It just takes a bit of thoughtful experimentation. This episode of The Unforced Garden shows you how.


An Unforced Garden Life isn’t a prescription. This podcast won’t hand you a checklist of what to do in order to achieve happiness. That’s a good thing. A prescription for happiness won’t work because everybody’s unique. You already know that The Unforced Garden is all about doing things that are fun, easy, and good for you. That requires a large amount of awareness and commitment on your part. You have to know what’s fun. You have to know what comes easily to you. You have to know what enhances your wellbeing.

Here’s how to be happy the Unforced Garden way.

  1. First, figure out which activities, places, and events make you happy. Dig around in your memories and make note of any happiness you experience in the present. Take notes - happiness may arise when you aren’t expecting it to, and it may abandon you at the events that you most expect it. Christmas and weddings can suck. And being stuck in the bathroom during a tornado warning can be fun. Track this data like a scientist.
  2. Identify which conditions you can intentionally replicate. If you loved camping with your parents, try going camping with the people you live with now. If you were happy during the road trip with your college buddies, pack the car - even if it’s just for five hours of carefree driving. Et cetera. Try the activity out; you’re auditioning it.
  3. Prioritize these activities. This is a circular thing. Jot down candidates for happy-making activities. Audition them. Prioritize the activities that make you happy, and let the duds fall by the wayside as markers of your bravery and pro-active happiness seeking. And don’t be too literal. You may not have the money to spend the summer at Lake Tahoe like you did as a child, but maybe you can spend the afternoon at a local pond or river. Tweak things. Go small. Go easy. Keep your expectations low. Note how well each method works and act accordingly. You got this.

Here’s your homework. Identify one activity that made you happy at some point in your past. Figure out how you can replicate that activity, tweaking as necessary to make it feasible. Audition that activity and prioritize it if it works well.

That’s it for this episode. If you liked it, please share it with someone.

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The Unforced Garden - Life: Fun, Easy, and Good for You