Taking Action in an Unforced Garden Life

4m | Jun 4, 2019

If you're only doing things that are fun, easy, and good for you, is it impossible to introduce new challenges and opportunities in your life? Find out in this episode of The Unforced Garden Podcast.


An Unforced Garden need not be passive. No, you can gamely plant seeds for more and more opportunities, take on new challenges, and make plans. Of course you can.

The thing is, you need to be willing to scrap them when they turn out to be overwhelming, bone-crushingly fatiguing, stressful, unhealthy, and they cause you to be insecure or sad or critical of yourself or mean to other people. Nip those things in the bud.

So go ahead. Try out that new knitting club. Plan that vacation. Apply for that job. Approach that new acquaintance. Commit to the hundred pushups challenge. These are planting seeds. See what sprouts. Of the things that germinate, sprout, and grow tall, see which ones are healthy, which ones are hard to maintain, and which ones don’t suit you, and which ones make you feel contented and relaxed whenever you spot them. Keep the ones that are healthy and make you feel good and are easy to tend. Best are the things that you don’t need to tend at all, or  you don’t need to use willpower to tend them - you just naturally gravitate to them because they bring you joy.

In August we’ll talk about the passive approach to an Unforced Garden Life - which, surprise, surprise, has its advantages. But today let’s talk about the active cultivation of an Unforced Garden Life, for all of you energetic go-getters out there.

The key is to plant seeds when you have the energy and the inclination.  When you’re ready to start something new, go stick some seeds in the soil and see which ones stick. Don’t worry about the ones that fail to thrive. Not your issue; the context and situation aren’t right for your garden or your life.

It’s best to plant a zillion seeds at one time. That means good things will happen no matter what; a zillion seeds will sprout at least one thing. If that one thing doesn’t suit you, you’ll know that it doesn’t work for you. Cross that sucker off of the list. If the one thing does suit you, add it in with a warm welcome.

Most likely, you’ll end up with a garden of sprouts. As they grow, let the things that don’t work for you die off. And greet the things that do work for you kindly. Just don’t work hard to maintain them. Stick to the things that are fun, easy, and good for you.

Caveat: just don’t let so many good things swarm around you that you feel a sense of overwhelm or stress. That’s not good for you. If there are a ton of good things piling up over your head, pick the best ones and let the rest go away. There will be time for them later, maybe, if they seem like a good priority to you.

Here’s your homework:

Plant some seeds this week. Launch a new project, apply for a job, try a new recipe, text a new acquaintance, or take a class. Evaluate each seed to see if it sprouts. If it sprouts, see if it’s a good thing for you or if it doesn’t suit you. Welcome in the good for you seeds and don’t prioritize the dead seeds or the seeds that don’t suit you. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

That’s the end of this episode. If you found it useful, share it with someone.

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The Unforced Garden - Life: Fun, Easy, and Good for You