Equality Legislation – racial harassment at work by third parties: how could a change in the law help?

Season 5 | Episode 3
21m | May 31, 2022

Equality Legislation – racial harassment at work by third parties: how could a change in the law help?

Broadcaster Maggie Taggart talks to Coumilah Manjoo and Wai Fun Wong from the Belfast Health & Social Care Trust, as well as Beverly Simpson, a care home nurse in the north west, about their experiences of racial abuse and harassment by patients, clients and visitors. They discuss how enshrining protection at work in the law would mean policies and procedures would be put in place; everyone would know what is and is not acceptable; and failure to take reasonable steps to protect staff could be legally challenged. Kathryn McNickle from the Equality Commission’s Policy & Research team explains how the Commission wants racial equality law to change.

The Equality Commission is recommending a Single Equality Act for Northern Ireland and, in the meantime, some fixes for specific pieces of legislation. These podcasts look in more detail at some of those areas and what can be done to improve protection against discrimination in Northern Ireland.

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The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland podcast