S5EP 79: The Oasis of Serenity - Fruit of Peace

Season 5 | Episode 79
1h 20m | May 8, 2024

Thoughts from this teaching on peace:

  • Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God. If you call yourself a “Child of God”, being a peacemaker is your mandate. It is in your spiritual DNA and must be part of everything you say and do. The Holy Spirit guides you and teaches you so you are not peacemaking in your own volition and strength, rather you obey what the Spirit tells you to do and how to do it. Peacemakers obey the will of God.

  • Peacemakers are confident, courageous, vulnerable, honest, humble. They embrace grace and truth. They value people and do not resolve conflict out of fear. Peacemakers approach problems with love, they are congruent with self and others, have a gentle and kind hearted approach. Peacemakers are proactive and intentional with cultivation of relationships, they listen more and speak less and they operate from a place of humility.

  • Peacekeepers avoid conflict, speak more and listen less, they please people and neglect self. Peacekeepers yearn for a life of peace but avoid difficult conversations, they hold things in their hearts, they are reactive and passive. They operate from a place of fear and defensiveness.

  • You already have peace. It is free! It is a fruit of the Spirit and you get to cultivate it daily; however, you cannot cultivate this on your own. You need to remain connected to the Vine so that you hear and obey what God’s will is for your situation. Obedience to the will of God is the secret to inward peace in your situation. So, the path to inward peace does not cost or bring financial burden, it brings peace to the mind and heart.

  • To know the difference between Holy Spirit peace and fake peace, look to your heart and how you portray other virtues: humility, patience, faith, trust, hope, gentleness (that part). Your peace can be disrupted and that is part of the realities of life. This is why you need your roots firmly planted in the One you believe in - Jesus. Allow His word to permeate your heart instead of the world’s ways, accept his teachings and abide in his presence even when you do not understand ‘why’ life is the way it is. He will always teach and show you exactly what you need when you need it.

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