S5 EP80: Guest Shade' Her Place of Inner Peace

Season 5 | Episode 80
1h 7m | May 22, 2024

​Shade’ is an author, a motivational speaker and mentor passionately committed to helping people by motivating them to believe and live again no matter how life may have dragged them down. She believes that even when life knocks us down, we still need to dig deep within, and search out what will inspire, that would move you from that deep, dark place to where you are supposed to be. She inspires using the scriptures as the backbone to all her inspiration. Shade' knows first hand what it feels like to be knocked down by life's challenges and she also knows that understanding the power of the word and positive thinking is the main key that can change every situation. She understands that it takes courage to get back up again after life has dragged you down. Shade's life passion is to work to encourage and inspire others to live again and enjoy life.

In this episode, Shade’ shares her story and journey to finding inner peace through one constant practice - prayer. You will learn from Shade’ that:

  • Your place of prayer is a place of peace (Read Isaiah 51:10)
  • Peace is that inner knowing that God is there for you
  • When you are tired and overwhelmed, peace can be far from your heart but when you pray, prayer stills your heart in the presence of God
  • When your mind is running many miles an hour, pause, yield your heart to the Lord
  • You walk in perfect peace by being still, silent, and taking a reset
  • Your reset is being still and knowing
  • Where there is trust, there is peace

Questions to ponder on:

  • How do you walk in perfect peace?
  • What does being out of peace look like to you?
  • Where there is trust, there is peace. What does your heart say about this when the Word says “trust in the Lord with all your heart…”

You can find Shade’ and her amazing ministry at 




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