S5 EP75: Cultivate Divine Love - Fruit of Love

Season 5 | Episode 75
49m | Mar 20, 2024
  • Love is defined as walking in obedience to God’s commands. Love is defined as God - God is love. God’s design for love in humanity is that we love Him first so that we can learn from Him how to love ourselves and others. If we do not learn to open our hearts to God and desire His love, moving from a mechanical, transactional relationship to a more intimate, transformational relationship, we will not be fully open to ourselves and to others. We will miss God every time. The type of love we get from the Spirit is agape love, every other kind we express or think we express is counterfeit - Philia, Eros, Ludic etc

  • The truth about love is that, loving others the way Christ wants us to is risky and can be messy. That is why it is risky and messy love. We cannot choose and do it in our own natural humanness. We need the Holy Spirit’s guidance and we must obey Him. If we see Jesus as our Lord and we obey Him, we can forgive, and we can forget, and we can extend grace onto others. Now that is the right ego - you caught that? If your EGO is of the Spirit, you Extend Grace Onto others.

  • Cultivating love is getting back to the attributes of love and allowing God to show you areas of your life where you need change. 1 Corinthians 13 can be your love test. Test yourself by simply asking - am I kind? Am I patient? If you are brave, ask people around you. Don’t be defensive, a true disciple who wants to grow will welcome the feedback and ask God to show her or him the path towards change.

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