What Does the LORD Require of You? Pt. 3
What Does the LORD Require of You pt. 2
God's Holy, Inspired, Inerrant, Authoritative and Sufficient Word
What Does the LORD Require of you?
The LORD is Faithful!
You Aren't Righteous Enough Pt. 2
You Aren't Righteous Enough in Yourself
Beware Lest You Say in Your Heart...
Remember the LORD in Seasons of Abundance and Lack!
The LORD Humbles and Tests His People
It Is the LORD Who Fights- You Sit and Watch!
Abundant Blessings Promised to Obedient Israel
Cherishing His Own and Devoting Rebels to Destruction
Devoted to Destruction Without Mercy
Take Care Lest You Forget the LORD your God
Teach These Words to Your Children
The Perfectly Holy LORD
And You Shall Not Covet
And You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbour