Filipino Theology Between Asian America and the United States with Dr. Gabriel Catanus

32m | Jun 3, 2024

Brad speaks with Dr. Gabriel Catanus, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Theology at Fuller Seminary and Director of the Filipino American Ministry Initiative, about the challenges and joys of doing Filipino American theology and ministry and how they fit - and stand out - from other Asian American theological and ministry paradigms.

Beyond his current project with Cascade Books, Dr. Catanus' publications include “Colonial Spirituality: The Pain and Politics of Doing Filipino American Theology,” ChristianityNext 6 (Winter 2022), “Statement on Anti-Asian Racism in the Time of COVID-19″ (coauthored with the Asian American Christian Collaborative, March 31, 2020), and “Is Filipino American Theology Asian American Theology?” Inheritance Magazine 65 (October 2019).

Learn more about APARRI

APARRI’s vision is to create a society in which Asian Pacific American religions are valued, recognized, and central to the understanding of American public life. Since 1999, The Asian Pacific American Religions Research Initiative (APARRI) has been a vibrant scholarly community advancing the interdisciplinary study of Asian Pacific Americans and their religions. 

Producer: Dr. Bradley Onishi: @bradleyonishi

Audio Engineer and Musician: Scott Okamoto: @rsokamoto

For more information about research-based media by Axis Mundi Media visit:

Funding for this series has been generously provided by the Henry Luce Foundation.

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