- When Should You Apply For A Python Django Developer Job?
In this episode, I'm answering the following questions that I got from one of my email subscribers, Nidhisha Shetty.
- How do you approach a programming problem(steps to solve a problem)?
- What do you do to improve your coding skills on a regular basis?
- When Should You Apply For A Python Django Developer Job?
Here is a link to the LinkedIn guide for programmers: https://www.pythonistaplanet.com/linkedin-for-programmers/
The best online course platforms to learn coding: https://www.pythonistaplanet.com/best-online-course-platforms-to-learn-coding/
11m - May 31, 2020 - How To Get An Internship At A Top Tech Company [With Anjali Viramgama]
In this podcast, I interview Anjali Viramgama, an incoming SWE intern at Facebook. She will give you some tips on how to get an internship at a top technology company like Facebook.
Check out the article I've written based on this interview: https://www.pythonistaplanet.com/how-to-get-an-internship-at-a-top-tech-company/
E2 - 11m - May 11, 2020 - How To Become A Django Full-Stack Developer [With Denis Murphy]
In this episode, I interview Denis Murphy from The Happy Mindset. He is a full-stack Django developer and he will give you some helpful tips and insights from his experience.
Check out this article for the text-version of the interview: https://www.pythonistaplanet.com/how-to-become-a-django-developer/
E1 - 22m - May 10, 2020