From the Archives: Women as Medical Students

50m | Jun 27, 2023

If you haven't already, you should absolutely check out the episode before this in which we interview Dr. Dee Fenner, Chair of Michigan Medicine's Department of OB/GYN about her experiences as a women during her early training. That episode was inspired by this one! So we only thought it would be fitting to bring back, especially since we wrote it when we were coming into our first years of medical school and are now entering our last! Happy listening!


Think about the first time you heard about a woman being a doctor? Maybe you were 4 years old and your doctor mom came home with a stethoscope around her neck or maybe you were 12 and heard about your brother’s best friend’s sister getting into medical school. Regardless, women in your life and around the world have been training to become physicians for centuries. But how has medical education for women evolved over time? In this episode, we dive into the history of women as medical students in the U.S. Along the way, we cover what 19th century medical education even involved (we’re talkin curriculum, pre-reqs, cost and more), the rise and fall of all-female medical colleges, and what social conditions finally led women to say enough is enough. Something changed to make women the majority of medical students in our country today...join us as we try to figure out what!

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