Desi Startup Show, hosted by Ritesh Chauhan, is focused on the Desi startup scene. Listen to exclusive conversations with founders on how they defined and achieved success. The show is in Hindi.
You may have read only the “success” stories about some of these startups, but this show will explore all aspects of their journey including the challenges faced and their strategies to overcome them. We will also explore how desi jugaads* helped them capture market quickly.
There will be only free-flowing conversation, in ‘desi’ language, without any artificial time limit. Because we think there’s a lot that these founders want to share – it’s just that traditional media restricts them and guides them to “what their audience wants to hear”. Our show will not have any such restrictions!
These stories will inspire you, guide you and entertain you. Whether it’s a Gurgaon-based techie quitting her job to start something on her own, or Patna-based UPSC aspirant who wants to do something better for his society - it's time to listen to their struggles and experience their extraordinary journey navigating the Indian startup scene.