Ep. 53: Monkey Man // Love Lies Bleeding

1h 13m | May 4, 2024

Release dates have become a distant, irrelevant memory in the land of Spoiling Things, now our hosts simply float around in a sort of primordial haze of vaguely recent films and sit down to chat about whatever passes by. That is to say; despite everything, in the face of all obstacles, dates or regular posting times be damned, to the detriment of every imaginable social media algorithm or rule of internet content creation, it is our solemn duty to get this show recorded. Warning: this may result in less than desirable circumstances, such as films found in the depths of the ooze being less than fresh in the mind, or the necessities of fatherly responsibility resulting in frequent background noise. Audio texture, even. To conclude, if you were hoping for a brutal attack on the incessant stupidity of Civil War or for endless praise for the electrifying energy of Challengers, you'll have to wait. For now, join Stephen and Vaughn as they discuss a swath of the latest mid budget independent sensations, from nunsploitation and devilish talk shows to bruiser action and sapphic love on steroids.

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Vaughn on The Twin Geeks, Letterboxd, and Twitter.

Stephen on The Twin Geeks, Letterboxd, and Twitter.

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