Season 1 | Episode 8
4m | Aug 2, 2021

Leaving It All Behind

Back in 2017, the statistics showed that the average home in the US contained about 300,000 things, while the average British 10 yr old had about 238 toys, but only played with 12 of them daily. As humans, we accumulate many things over the course of a lifetime and create attachments with them. Concepts like downsizing and a 'spending fast' (a forced break from spending) are seen as extreme exercises in our time, because as a whole, we just do not want to part with our stuff.

I do not know what the statistics were for a tax collector in Jesus’ time. However, I am sure that it would’ve been a great sacrifice for Levi (aka Matthew), to have dropped everything on the day that Jesus passed by and said, Follow Me.

Luke 5:27-28 After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. “Follow Me,” Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed Him.

Could you have immediately risked giving up all your hard work, accolades and possessions to ’pick up’ and follow the Man called Jesus? I’m not certain that my obedience would have been as immediate as Levi’s. I would've probably gone into an immediate audit and self counselling session, before I made the ultimate move to follow His calling. Of course, I am not proud of this confession. However, sharing my things is sometimes a bit of a struggle, so I could just imagine what it would be like to give them up, as I know too well the pain of losing the things I treasure.

However, wherever our brother Levi was in his life’s journey, he was either filled or emptied enough, to be ready to sacrifice it all for Jesus. In the following verses, we see that Levi went on to celebrate his decision to walk with Christ, by inviting those in his sphere of influence, (i.e. other tax collectors) to ’come meet a Man’.

Today, I’d like to pose some deep questions for our consideration:

What are the things that are weighing us down and hindering us from following Him?

  • Whether to follow Him, is that first step towards salvation and a deeper relationship with God, or it’s towards following our PURPOSE and serving our gifts.

How can we use the things we’ve been blessed with in our lives to serve God?

  • Levi used his position, influence and wealth to honour the Lord and bring others to Christ. What about us?

Who can we invite to meet Jesus and join in this divine feasting with us?

  • There are people around us who are watching and some are even waiting for an invitation to come and feast on what we are enjoying.

Will we be bold enough to take the next step together and FOLLOW HIM?

  • Luke 5:32 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

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Motivational Media With The McDowalds